After being impaled by a piece of rebar during a hiking trip, a man awaits his rescue with his only connection to another person through a phone call.
After moving back to Houston, I didn't expect to be working on too many projects of this caliber at the start. That is, until I came across Bilal, who distinguished himself above all the other creatives in the city with his incredibly strong writing and passion for film. As this was our first venture together, we didn't want to go all out on budget and bite off more than we could chew. Being an intensely dialogue-heavy script, I did not want the cinematography to get in the way of the performances. We grabbed the Sony FS5 for it's great portability, and Canon lenses for their simplicity. We then set out deep into the Texan woods, wading barefoot through bubbling streams, set up shop and started filming away. No lighting equipment was necessary, as the woods around us provided all the magic we needed.
Director: Bilal Haider
Camera: Sony FS5
Lenses: Canon EF Lenses
August 2016